Why Solar?

The constantly-changing energy landscape is driving enormous private investment to Ohio in large-scale, or “utility-scale,” solar power.  Solar farms generate enough electricity to contribute directly to the state’s power grid. These projects will continue to boost Ohio’s economy, especially in rural areas.

The growth of solar is being propelled by a powerful and positive convergence of factors occurring all at once that are primed to grow Ohio’s solar industry and create thousands of jobs.  Ohioans can leverage the rapidly increasing demand for clean energy, the major declines in the cost of generation, and the state’s ideal conditions for development.

An Exceptional Opportunity for Ohio

Clean energy sources are in demand by businesses, government, and residential consumers alike. The cost of solar over the last decade has decreased drastically, making it cost competitive with, or even cheaper than coal, nuclear and natural gas.  And solar developers have taken notice of the geography, transmission infrastructure and climate capabilities that give Ohio an edge over other states:

  • An abundance of flat land ideal for harvesting solar power.

  • A sophisticated transmission infrastructure with superior access and growth potential.

  • With advances in solar technologies, weather in Ohio meets the needs of large-scale solar developments. On cloudy or sunny days, Ohio generates solar power.

The demand for solar power by Ohio businesses of all sizes is rapidly growing. Many Ohio employers including Campbell’s Soup Company, Honda Marysville, Walmart, General Motors, Amazon, Facebook, Google, AT&T and Budweiser are choosing clean energy to help power their operations.

Benefits of Utility-Scale Solar in Ohio

Good for Ohio’s Economy

These projects will be a major shot in the arm for Ohio and its rural areas. Solar projects generate a massive infusion of revenues to their communities to support schools and critical services.

Good for Ohio Jobs

Solar farms create thousands of good-paying jobs and support Ohio’s manufacturing industry.  Many of the components are made in Ohio. We’re proud of Ohio products and want to keep our money in Ohio.

Good for Ohio’s Farmers

Solar projects help ensure that farms remain farms. They are lucrative for landowners and farmers who often face uncertainty and commodity fluctuations. For neighbors, solar is easily screened from view.